Research stories

Our investments support research that benefits Canadians

In CFI-funded labs and facilities across the country, researchers in all stages of their careers are making discoveries, supporting a robust innovation ecosystem and helping solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. 

A graphic of several green coloured buildings against a backdrop of rolling green hills with windmills.

Keeping research infrastructure green

A nod to the efforts that CFI-funded labs are making to reduce their environmental impact

All stories

Resurrecting Canadian travel and tourism
Canada’s multi-billion-dollar hospitality industry was hit hard by COVID-19, but research on tourist behaviour can help restaurants, hotels and airlines win back customers by finding ways to ease their minds
Nova Scotia
Safe facilities will help deliver effective COVID-19 vaccines in eastern Canada
Upgrading two Halifax-area facilities with higher safety measures means researchers in Halifax can develop and test COVID-19 vaccines
Taking the fear out of touch with antiviral inks
Montreal researchers aim to develop inks with anti-pathogenic nanoparticles to make printed surfaces safer
British Columbia
Virtual reality offers students mental health support
Researchers at the College of New Caledonia study how virtual reality can help students build resilience and learn coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety
Testing sewage to see community infection levels
Researchers at the University of Windsor’s Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research test wastewater as a way of screening whole communities for SARS-CoV-2 and potentially a gamut of other viruses
People with disabilities find connection through art
How a lab at the University of Regina combines fine arts and social sciences research to help people with disabilities to express themselves through art
Is COVID-19 a vascular disease?
There is mounting evidence that COVID-19 affects blood vessels. If proven, it could change the way we approach treatment. A University of Calgary research team will use specialized microscopes to test the theory
Booming business in bone broth
A burgeoning new food company all started with a desire to get healthier and a little help from food scientists at Niagara College
Nova Scotia
Understanding the challenges in how we care for our elderly
As COVID-19 magnifies problems in Canada’s long-term care centres, researchers at Mount Saint Vincent University are informing policies to make improvements
Adapting to changing consumer behaviours
Using a mock retail environment to predict the impact of the pandemic on buying behaviour and the future of consumption
British Columbia
Diagnosing COVID-19 instantly with artificial intelligence
A Vancouver company’s handheld ultrasound devices are becoming an indispensable tool for quick diagnosis of COVID-19 in remote areas
Education’s next act
A researcher in e-learning and expert in digital literacy is on the front lines for a school system struggling to transition to a new way of teaching.