Summary of changes
The 2023 edition of the Policy and program guide includes some revisions to the 2019 edition. The key changes are outlined below (the relevant sections are in parentheses). Other changes not listed below were for clarity and did not alter the meaning of the information.
Section 3: Eligible institutions
- We clarified the requirements for universities, colleges, research hospitals and non-profit research institutions to be eligible to apply for, receive and administer funding from the CFI (3.0 Eligible institutions).
Section 4: Eligible projects, costs and contributions
- We added a new section to emphasize the need for institutions and researchers to be aware of security risks and to take the necessary steps and precautions to ensure the security of the Canadian research ecosystem (4.5.1 Research security).
- We changed Compute Canada to Digital Research Alliance of Canada to reflect its new corporate identity (4.6.4 Advanced research computing).
- We revised the text to reflect the new payment method for the Infrastructure Operating Fund (4.7.1 Infrastructure Operating Fund).
Section 5: Application and review process
- We added the requirement for institutions to digitally sign their institutional agreement (5.1.1 Institutional agreement).
- We updated the list of regulatory requirements, laws and guidelines to which institutions agree to follow and adhere when signing an institutional agreement (5.1.3 Special requirements for certain types of infrastructure projects).
Section 6: Administration of CFI awards
- We added the notion of using a risk-based approach for establishing project payment schedules (6.3.3 Instalment schedule) and financial reporting frequencies (6.7.1 Submission deadlines).
- We made changes to reflect the new payment method for the Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF) and added new information, including how we calculate an institution’s IOF allocation and information specific to the Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund (6.10 Infrastructure Operating Fund allocation and release of funds).
Section 7: Performance reporting
- We clarified the nature and scope of this section previously known as “Evaluation and outcome assessment” by changing its title and providing more detail regarding performance reporting requirements and process (7.0 Performance reporting).