Canada’s top researchers have the tools they need to stay ahead
OTTAWA, ONTARIO — Canada’s leading researchers need top-notch, high-performance tools and innovative research spaces to tackle social, environmental and economic issues that are important to Canadians. The Government of Canada through the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
is giving more than $96 million in funding to support 377 new research infrastructure projects at 55 institutions from coast to coast. This total includes more than $22 million under the CFI’s Infrastructure Operating Fund to assist institutions with the incremental operating and maintenance costs associated with the new infrastructure.
This funding—made through the CFI’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF)—helps universities attract and retain top research talent from around the world by providing researchers with the highly specialized infrastructure they need to be leaders in their field. “Support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation ensures researchers are equipped for success at every stage of their career,” said Roseann O’Reilly Runte, the CFI’s President and CEO. “The John R. Evans Leaders Fund helps Canadian universities, institutes and research hospitals create the conditions necessary for their talented researchers to excel.”
Here are some of the projects the CFI is supporting with research infrastructure funding:
- Researchers at Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo, B.C., want to understand how marine heatwaves affect the health of fish and shellfish on Canada’s West Coast. These heatwaves are occurring more frequently due to climate change and harm marine life and as a result, the social and economic outcomes for First Nations and coastal communities.
- A project at McGill University in Montréal, Que., will focus on the ill-defined relationship between bacteria in the human gut, metabolism and the immune system. The research will help design new, more effective drugs to treat inflammatory bowel diseases, obesity, asthma and other chronic diseases.
- Researchers at Cape Breton University in Sydney, N.S., will produce interactive, historical tours to highlight how the island’s communities are adapting to the departure of their coal and steel industries. The tours aim to preserve the history of the island’s bygone industries and increase our understanding of how communities at large adapt to their absence.
- A University of Calgary team will develop a new way to measure the health of restored wetlands in the Alberta oil sands, helping the oil and gas industry restore the health and biodiversity of former industrial landscapes.
- Researchers at the University of Ottawa will advance their pioneering work on rare, genetic diseases that affect children to identify better treatments with fewer side effects.
- The University of Winnipeg will be home to an Indigenous research centre of community learning and engagement for Indigenous youth. The centre’s digital media labs, studio and collaborative workspace will enhance art practices, foster mentorship of emerging artists, students and scholars, and will provide opportunities for technology-based skills training and development for Indigenous, new Canadian and non-Indigenous populations.
- At the University of Toronto, researchers will study how certain neural circuits in the brain affect decision-making to understand why mental illness, which frequently appears early on in life, can often lead to poor decision-making. This project could create new mental health treatments earlier in life to mitigate disease progression, reduce mental healthcare costs and improve the quality of life of millions of Canadians struggling with mental illness.
In related news, the CFI also made a John R. Evans Leaders Fund-Canada Research Chairs Program funding announcement on August 14.

Institution / Établissement |
Projects Approved / Projets appuyés |
1 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
1 |
12 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
37 |
10 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
15 |
5 |
2 |
17 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
22 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
14 |
16 |
41 |
8 |
5 |
1 |
16 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
33 |
4 |
12 |
10 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
Total Institutions / des établissements 55 |
377 |
John R. Evans Leaders Fund / Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans
Project Title / Titre du projet |
Maximum CFI Contribution / |
Acadia University Centre for Neuroscience and Cognitive Health |
$371,012 |
1 project / projet |
$371,012 |
Academic Analytics Infrastructure |
$74,779 |
1 project / projet |
$74,779 |
Expanding Capacity: Digital Humanities Approaches to Understanding Post-industrial Communities |
$89,895 |
Research Infrastructure to Support Molecular and Imaging Applications |
$74,997 |
2 projects / projets |
$164,892 |
Monitoring of Emerging Water Pollutants and Development of Next-generation Sensors |
$254,395 |
Water and Ice Research Lab, the sequel: A whole new WIRL |
$109,999 |
A Hardware-in-the-loop Test Facility for Space Robotics |
$75,001 |
Interactive Animal Flight and Dynamic Behaviour Laboratory |
$146,000 |
LC-TOF MS for Enhanced Chemical Contaminant Risk Characterization |
$125,000 |
Digital Tools for Documentation and Renewal of Global Endangered Languages |
$64,000 |
Design and Development of Machine Learning Aided 5G & Beyond-5G Wireless Networks using Software Defined Radio Nodes |
$150,000 |
7 projects / projets |
$924,395 |
*Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time |
136 353 $ |
1 projet / project |
136 353 $ |
* Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with SSHRC Research Support
Financement de l’infrastructure liée au soutien à la recherche du CRSH
Research Infrastructure for Food Nanotechnology and Material Science Lab |
$75,001 |
Infrastructure for a Soil-landscape Analysis & Modelling Lab |
$75,001 |
Immuno-metabolomics for the Next Generation of Cancer Immunotherapies |
$503,394 |
Health Care System Optimization and Analytics |
$75,001 |
Univenture: A Substance use Prevention Intervention for University Students |
$147,997 |
Establishment of a Laboratory for Seismic Monitoring and Imaging |
$140,000 |
Assessing Future Disease Risks for Commercial Crustacean Fisheries in Canada |
$75,001 |
Transforming Community-led Indigenous Health Research in Atlantic Canada |
$115,001 |
Underwater Anechoic Tank Facility |
$105,000 |
Enhancing Ocean Observation Capacity with Lab-on-a-chip Sensors |
$75,001 |
Sexual Health And Gender (SHAG) Research Program |
$113,251 |
Hybrid Simulation of Self-repairing Concrete Structures |
$100,000 |
12 projects / projets |
$1,599,648 |
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Système d'acquisition sismique autonome de haute résolution |
125 000 $ |
1 projet / project |
125 000 $ |
Modelling Complex User Preferences for Recommendations using Deep Learning |
141 243 $ |
High-efficiency Computing for Behavioural Economic Analyses of Large Proprietary Microdata Sets |
40 000 $ |
2 projets / projects |
40% 243 $ |
Design and Development of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Drug Candidates |
$98,655 |
1 project / projet |
$98,655 |
Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne
Environmental Geophysical Infrastructure for Understanding Permafrost Change and Biogeochemical Feed-backs |
$255,835 |
1 project / projet |
$255,835 |
Creation of a Multidisciplinary Sleep Laboratory at the Neuro |
254 296 $ |
Harnessing Microbiota Metabolism for Human Health Benefits |
352 778 $ |
Multi-scale in Vivo Imaging of Biological Systems |
271 990 $ |
MAP-PRO: An Electronic Database and Learning Hub for Canadian Early Psychosis Services |
80 000 $ |
McGill Soil Biogeochemistry and Ecology Laboratory |
150 000 $ |
Subsurface Hydrogeochemistry and Fluid Flow |
475 360 $ |
Combined Microreactor Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure for Catalyst Characterization |
120 000 $ |
Fast Scalable Deep Learning for Sensitive Big Data in Healthcare and Social Contexts |
120 000 $ |
Click Chemistry for Precision Medicine |
285 000 $ |
Conformational Dynamics of Complex Proteins in Health and Diseases |
592 636 $ |
Antagonistic Inter-bacterial Interactions |
143 180 $ |
Blood-based Biomarkers for Ageing-related Brain Diseases |
417 175 $ |
Infrastructure for Advanced Arctic and Urban Climate Modelling in Support of Climate-resilient Engineering Systems |
135 180 $ |
CoDEx: Computational Design Exploratory |
78 807 $ |
Metabolism of Stress-regulated Genes in Health and Disease using Single Molecule Imaging |
200 000 $ |
Drivers of Breast Cancer Progression Identified within Arm-level Somatic Copy Number Alterations |
109 179 $ |
Development of Biodegradable Functional Materials from Low-value Biomass for Food and Agricultural Applications |
121 500 $ |
The Role of Lipoma Preferred Partner (LPP) in Regulating Breast Cancer Progression |
744 304 $ |
Muscle Stem Cell Biology in Health and Disease |
149 582 $ |
NIR Imaging Platform for Biophotonic Technologies Relying on New Dormant Sensors/Sensitizers |
172 875 $ |
A Path to Anti-aging Drugs |
179 196 $ |
Markers to Market: A Platform to Translate Quantitative Genomics Data into Field-ready, Value-added Commodity Cultivars |
152 062 $ |
Mechanism and Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders Associated with Copy Number Variants |
169 634 $ |
Development of Strategies to Better Understand and Control the Long-term Side Effects of Radiotherapy |
87 579 $ |
4D Immersive Scene Capture and Processing |
78 020 $ |
Mapping Dopamine Circuits in the Healthy and Diseased Brain |
294 592 $ |
UHPLC-MS to Develop Technologies to Control the Presence and Fate of Contaminants in Natural & Engineered Water Systems |
406 300 $ |
Integrated Facility for Research on Large Animals Species |
800 000 $ |
Exercise and Nutrition to Support Skeletal Muscle Heath Across the Lifespan |
344 957 $ |
Neuroecology of Spatial Behaviour Lab |
165 000 $ |
Biotechnological Production of High-value Compounds |
140 000 $ |
Atomic Layer Deposition of Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices |
260 101 $ |
High Throughput Monitoring of Cell Metabolism using a Modernized Tissue Culture Facility |
234 500 $ |
Anishinaabe Stories Database |
46 961 $ |
New Computational Techniques for Modeling of Disordered Molecular Systems for Applications in Nano- and Bio- engineering |
80 000 $ |
Circulating Immune Cells and Interactions in the Nervous System |
141 863 $ |
233 308 $ |
37 projets / projects |
8 787 915 $ |
Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) Research Laboratory to Target Acute Myeloid Leukemia |
$250,000 |
Optical and Wearable Motion Capture System for Precision Medicine Solutions in Osteoarthritis. |
$80,000 |
Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics in Health and Disease |
$160,000 |
Optical Imaging in the Pre-clinical Setting |
$467,800 |
Dynamic Nanoimaging of DNA Damage and Repair in Neurodegenerative Diseases |
$800,000 |
AI-enhanced Mobility Lab |
$102,579 |
Structural Biology Platform for Infectious Disease Research |
$736,800 |
Diet-microbiota Lab for the Treatment and Prevention of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Food Sensitivities |
$230,000 |
Tallos 120C Transmission Electron Microscope for Advanced Steel Metallurgy |
$430,000 |
Laboratory of High-content Bioimaging for Organ-on-a-chip Systems |
$150,000 |
10 projects / projets |
$3,407,179 |
Memorial University of Newfoundland
A Comprehensive Metabolic Monitoring System for Laboratory Animals |
$132,818 |
Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer for Real Time Measurement of Metabolism in Live Cells |
$101,073 |
North Atlantic Archaeology at Risk |
$130,224 |
Applications of Live-cell and Super Resolution Confocal Microscopy for BioMedical and Biochemistry Studies |
$247,728 |
4 projects / projets |
$611,843 |
The Ecological Role and Biotechnological Potential of Phytoplankton Storage Compounds |
$121,394 |
Fundamental Knowledge of Mitochondrial Physiology for Applied Research in Aquaculture |
$117,584 |
2 projects / projets |
$238,978 |
Forensics of Wildfire Debris using GCxGC TOF-MS |
$217,478 |
Digital Dialogues: Podcasting for Knowledge Mobilization and Community Building |
$29,939 |
2 projects / projets |
$247,417 |
Mount Saint Vincent University
EEG System and Recording Chambers |
$40%,324 |
Computational Investigations of Molecular Evolutionary Quantum Biochemistry and Mitochondrial Biophysics |
$30,638 |
2 projects / projets |
$159,962 |
Ontario College of Art and Design
kinādās: Walking About on the Land |
$29,500 |
Digital Non-fiction Research Cluster |
$29,500 |
2 projects / projets |
$59,000 |
Evolutionary Genetics of Plant Reproductive Strategies |
$130,000 |
Advancing Detection Limits and In Situ Isotopic Chemical Chromatography for Astroparticle and Geochemical Research |
$200,000 |
Stress-mediated Trophoblast Proliferation: Adaptation or Pathology? |
$100,000 |
The Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory |
$100,000 |
Membrane Remodelling by Positive-sense RNA Viruses: Molecular Mechanisms and Cellular Responses |
$150,000 |
Characterization of Immunological Mechanisms Underlying Evasion of Checkpoint Blockade in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer |
$200,000 |
Elucidating the Evolutionary Enhancement of Enzymatic Efficiency |
$144,000 |
Nano-materials-based Wearable Sensors and Electronics: Achieving Superior Performance and Visual Imperceptibility |
$100,000 |
Research Center to Study Cancer with Single Cell Resolution |
$240,000 |
Visualizing Soft Surfaces using Scanning Probe Microscopy |
$180,000 |
Source to Sink Transport Dynamics: Exploring Evolution of Deltaic and Deepwater Systems through Physical Modelling |
$75,001 |
A Secure and Privacy-preserving Edge Caching Framework in Next-generation Mobile Networks |
$125,000 |
Intelligent Mining Systems and Mine Automation |
$125,000 |
Advancing Edge, Cyber-physical, and Autonomous Systems for Smart Infrastructure |
$400,000 |
Investigating Representational Reorganization in Memory |
$100,000 |
15 projects / projets |
$2,369,001 |
Advanced Design and Measurement Facility for Adaptive Metamaterials |
$78,000 |
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Smarter IoT |
$75,477 |
Protein Crystallization and Molecular Characterization Platform |
$78,000 |
Advanced Graphene Oxide-based Porous Materials for Water Treatment |
$76,000 |
Isotopic Water Sampling and Analyzer Systems for Tracing Water Movement through Urban Landscapes |
$82,876 |
5 projects / projets |
$390,353 |
Characterizing Alteration Footprints of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits using Super Light Element Micro-X-Ray Fluorescence |
$228,745 |
Global Change Impacts on Soil Invertebrates |
$168,633 |
2 projects / projets |
$397,378 |
Shaping the Future of Non-destructive Analysis of Biologically- and Culturally- sensitive Human Skeletal Remains |
$52,000 |
Digital Democracies Laboratory |
$300,000 |
Mathematics, Genomics and Prediction in Infection and Evolution (MAGPIE) Laboratory |
$200,000 |
Sustainable Energy Engineering Smart Grid Test Bed |
$100,000 |
Laboratory for Scanning Electron Microscopy Coupled with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer in Archaeology |
$86,000 |
A Comprehensive Experimental Laboratory for Hematology and Stem Cell Research |
$100,000 |
Infrastructure for Characterization of Next-generation Micro-/Nano- systems and Advanced Materials |
$128,000 |
Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Visualization Laboratory |
$200,000 |
Human-centred Autonomous Agents through Data Collection and Generation Augmentation |
$300,000 |
Single-molecule Microscopy Instrumentation for Force Spectroscopy and Super-resolution Imaging |
$230,000 |
Next-generation Smart Building |
$192,779 |
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for Substances of Emerging Concern |
$76,000 |
An Experimental Suite for Exploring Mechanisms, Biological Roles, and Evolution of Genome-mutating Enzymes |
$199,948 |
SQUID Magnetometer to Enable the Exploratory Synthesis of Quantum Materials |
$400,000 |
Novel Wearable Technologies in Support of Active Aging and Mobility Health |
$120,000 |
Mechanics of Human Injury Test Lab |
$125,000 |
Interactive Learning of Language in 3D Environments |
$100,000 |
17 projects / projets |
$2,909,727 |
Comparative and Environmental Physiology Facility (CEPF) |
$74,065 |
Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids - A New Green Technique to Prepare Electrocatalysts |
$74,984 |
Laser Scanning Confocal Microsope for Cellular Studies of Biofouling, Neuroanatomy, Symbiosis and Freeze Tolerance |
$200,000 |
Optimizing the Measurement and Management of Infant Pain: A Translational Clinical Program of Research |
$62,566 |
4 projects / projets |
$411,615 |
Multidisciplinary Microanalysis and Micro-imaging Lab |
$234,990 |
A Mobil Brain Imaging Laboratory (MoBIL) to Link Brain and Behaviour in Development, Aging and Disease |
$115,095 |
2 projects / projets |
$350,085 |
Infrastructure to Study the Movement Ecology of Declining Avian Taxa |
$62,950 |
Molecular and Biochemical Studies of Giardia Intestinalis |
$69,845 |
The Trent Social Relations, Attitudes and Diversity Lab |
$196,679 |
The Integrative Fish Ecology Laboratory |
$74,944 |
4 projects / projets |
$404,418 |
Overcoming Multi-drug Resistance in Cancer |
275 278 $ |
Spectral CT Mass Spectrometry with MARS |
281 124 $ |
3D Imaging Platform for the Study of the Visual System |
239 324 $ |
To Uncover, Understand and Exploit the Estrogen-oncolytic Virus Crosstalk to Improve Therapy |
109 484 $ |
Infrastructure for Advanced Chemical Glycomics |
179 549 $ |
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-host Interactions: From Mechanisms of Viral Persistence to Infection Control |
169 747 $ |
The Angiogenesis & Vascular Bioreactor Platform: Endothelium-pericyte Interaction in Development and Vascular Diseases |
144 241 $ |
Modulation of Cancer Metabolism by Multiple Layers of Gene Expression |
180 124 $ |
Interplay of Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration in Chronic CNS Diseases |
111 200 $ |
Development of an Anti-infectives Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacokinetic Program |
112 408 $ |
Identifying Gut Microbiota Composition by Culturomics to Improve Cancer Immunotherapy |
110 000 $ |
Metabolic and Epigenetic Interplay in Drug Resistant Cancers |
165 284 $ |
Créer et expérimenter des dispositifs didactiques adaptant les jeux vidéos d'histoire commerciaux: laboratoire mobile |
124 710 $ |
Impact of NADPH Oxidase 2 (NOX2) Defects on the Microbiota and Intestinal Barrier Function |
152 064 $ |
Multi-omics Data Analyses in Cardiovascular Research |
99 536 $ |
Laboratory of Multi-scale Biomechanics and Advanced Imaging |
198 876 $ |
Pharmacotherapy of Ketone Body Metabolism in Obesity |
160 430 $ |
Host-parasite Interactions in a Changing World |
205 290 $ |
A New Generation of Preclinical Models of Stroke |
234 348 $ |
The NECS Lab : An Infrastructure to Move Forward the Study of Social Decision-making |
174 547 $ |
A Mechanistic Investigation into the Establishment and Loss of Functional Cell Identity |
211 408 $ |
Electrocatalyst Development and In Situ Spectroscopy for Renewable Energy Applications |
179 040 $ |
22 projets / projects |
3 818 012 $ |
Infrastructure for Microbial Systems Biology |
100 788 $ |
Advanced Tissue Engineering Systems to Study the Functionality of Glial Cells in Engineered Anisotropic Biomaterials |
86 636 $ |
Functional Investigation of Locomotor Circuits from Cell to Behaviour |
320 502 $ |
Human Rights In Trade / Les droits humains dans les traités économiques |
98 934 $ |
Translational Platform for Human Movement Signature Assessment |
118 948 $ |
Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) System for Thermal Flow Studies in Buildings |
95 000 $ |
6 projets / projects |
820 808 $ |
Université du Québec - École de technologie supérieure
Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Contact-free Affective Computing |
188 300 $ |
1 projet / project |
188 300 $ |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Mise à jour de l'infrastructure pour le diagnostic de l'appareillage de puissance |
94 007 $ |
Infrastructure spécialisée dédiée à la caractérisation des fluides contaminés, de la neige et la glace atmosphérique |
102 703 $ |
2 projets / projects |
196 710 $ |
Université du Québec à Montréal
Sapientia |
118 500 $ |
A Biological Interaction Research Platform |
148 200 $ |
Development of New Macromolecular Systems for Biomedical Applications |
105 000 $ |
Modélisation du climat passé à futur et téléconnexions dans le système climatique global à régional |
227 458 $ |
Critical Infrastructure Upgrade to the U-Pb Geochronology Platform |
86 594 $ |
Projet Encodage: prototype de plateforme d’interrogation et d’accélérateur de pistes interprétatives sur le contemporain |
90 765 $ |
6 projets / projects |
776 517 $ |
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Laboratoire d’ingénierie des bioprocédés et technologies vertes de transformation |
116 000 $ |
1 projet / project |
116 000 $ |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Techniques de spectroscopie Raman avancées pour la détection de traces en criminalistique |
80 167 $ |
1 projet / project |
80 167 $ |
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Laboratoire intersectoriel d'impression 3D |
102 652 $ |
Retraitement des rejets miniers |
203 597 $ |
2 projets / projects |
306 249 $ |
Carbon Pool Fingerprinting Along Gradients (Carpool) |
95 149 $ |
Microscope bi-photonique développable pour la mesure du temps de vie de fluorescence et de phosphorescence |
100 000 $ |
A Central Role for Neurovascular Health in Emotional Memory Encoding and Stress Responses |
120 000 $ |
A Bottom-up Approach for Engineering Green Concretes with Locally Available Alternative Cementitious Materials |
40% 932 $ |
Identification of New Targets to Treat Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension |
116 668 $ |
Laboratoire de synthèse et caractérisation lié à la Chaire de Recherche en Catalyse Verte et Procédés sans Métaux |
270 745 $ |
The Molecular Neurobiology of Mood Disorders |
120 000 $ |
Integrative Genomics in Cardiometabolic Diseases |
120 000 $ |
Laboratory on Green Process Engineering and Biorefineries (BioEngine) |
100 172 $ |
Chaire de recherche, in genomics and metabolomics of the symbiosis between tropical plants and microbes |
93 057 $ |
Enhancing Cognitive Functions in Health and Disease with Information-based Neuromodulation |
40% 986 $ |
Neurocognition des émotions et du trauma |
97 925 $ |
Plateforme analytique pour l’étude des interactions entre les composantes alimentaires |
75 250 $ |
Infrastructures pour la recherche en sciences apicoles |
96 345 $ |
14 projets / projects |
1 665 229 $ |
Infrastructure for Emerging Priority in AI and Computational Psychiatry |
$257,962 |
An All-optical Platform for the Investigation of Animal Models of Neuropsychiatric and Neurodegenerative Disease |
$217,010 |
Terawatt Laser Facility for Advanced Applications |
$516,326 |
Forecasting Community Reassembly in Changing Seascapes: Cross-scale Science to Uncover Patterns, Processes, Consequences |
$147,539 |
Additive Manufacturing using a Direct Energy Laser System for the Resource Sector |
$194,773 |
Defining the Role of Proteases in Health and Diseases using Innovative Systems Biology Approaches |
$130,000 |
The Human Explanted Heart Program: A Translational Bridge for Cardiovascular Medicine and Drug Development |
$217,050 |
Field Lab for the Investigation of Altitude Related Population Adaptation and Health |
$235,651 |
The RAS–MAPK–Capicua Axis, a Converging Molecular Highway in Neurological Disorders and Leukemia |
$158,972 |
Projected Media in Live Performances |
$97,810 |
High Speed Confocal Microscopic System for Interfacial Science |
$233,743 |
Avian Behaviour, Ecology and Energetics |
$170,000 |
Laboratory for Sound Art, Sound Health, and Sound Communities (Sound3 Lab) |
$210,586 |
Development and Magnetometric Application of Powerful Ultraviolet Frequency Comb Lasers |
$110,539 |
Chemistry at the Interfaces: Devices for Capturing and Storing Renewable Energy |
$226,995 |
Advanced Structural Response Characterization System for Civil Infrastructure |
$268,675 |
16 projects / projets |
$3,393,631 |
University of British Columbia (The)
Establishment of the Mucin Glycobiology Laboratory at UBC |
$154,000 |
Biodiversity in a Changing World: Linking Theory and Experiments Across Scales |
$125,000 |
BioFactorial: Enabling High-throughput Applications for Systems Biology and Enzyme Discovery |
$175,000 |
Infrastructure for Developing Pharmacologic Approaches to Modulating Fibrinolysis and Controlling Bleeding Disorders |
$78,000 |
Stem Cell and Genome Editing Lab |
$439,603 |
Community Hub for Arts-based Research and Innovation in Knowledge Translation |
$77,352 |
Exploring Mitochondria Function as Therapeutic Target in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma |
$125,000 |
Electron Microscope for Imaging Soft Materials |
$800,000 |
Predicting Impacts of Cumulative Threats to Inform Conservation Decisions Under Global Change |
$125,000 |
Exercise, Nutrition and Muscle Metabolism Laboratory |
$125,000 |
Hapscreen-RD: A Platform for Large-scale Screening of Human Haploid Cells for Rare Disease Research |
$777,128 |
Innovation in Mobility and Balance Rehabilitation |
$125,000 |
Centre for Community Engaged Documentation and Research |
$277,477 |
Microbial Biosynthesis of Natural Products |
$168,000 |
Facilities for the Geospatial Ecology of Landscapes Laboratory |
$125,000 |
Establishing an Ancient DNA and Protein (ADαPT) Facility at UBC |
$125,000 |
Cryo-EM of Metabolic Enzymes for Drug Discovery |
$800,000 |
High-performance Atomic Force Microscopy to Elucidate Structure-property Relationships in Nanocellulose Materials |
$240,000 |
Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy to Study Food Proteins and Enzymes |
$125,000 |
Nanospectroscopy Laboratory for Polaritonic Materials Discovery |
$800,000 |
High Resolution Automated Mineralogy for Carbon Mineralization |
$800,000 |
Center for Transportation and Land Use Research (CeTLUR) |
$106,729 |
Infrastructure to Advance Extracellular Vesicle Biology & Technology |
$800,000 |
Integrated Greenhouse Gas Research and Observations in Wetlands (iGROW) |
$125,000 |
The Neurobiology and Genetics of Taste in Disease-vectoring Mosquitoes |
$192,850 |
The Stroke Management and eHealth Innovation Laboratory |
$85,534 |
The Origins of Patterns in Speech Lab |
$116,900 |
Solution-processed Thin Film Semiconductors for Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Applications |
$160,000 |
Reactor for Atmospheric Chemical Transformations (ReACTr) to Track the Fate of Outdoor and Indoor Air Molecules |
$191,000 |
Deciphering DNA-encoded Gene-regulatory Logic with Genome-scale Synthetic DNA |
$125,000 |
Complex Human-based Organ (Disease) Models for Basic and Preclinical Research with a Focus on Human Epithelia |
$101,408 |
Working to Restore Connectivity and Sustainability (WoRCS) research program |
$400,000 |
Enabling Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with Calibration, Monitoring, and Characterization of the LIGO Detectors |
$220,000 |
(Re)Media Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure and Program |
$122,165 |
Laboratory for Human-animal Interaction and Companion Animal Welfare |
$125,300 |
Plant-pollinator and Global Change Lab |
$123,454 |
Field and Laboratory Characterization of the Climate and Landscape Response to Surface Elevation Change |
$125,000 |
VELOSITY: Bringing the Benefits of VLSI to System Software |
$453,594 |
Investigating How Mitochondrial Stress Signaling Maintains Organelle Homeostasis in Health and Disease |
$125,000 |
Investigating the Neurophysiological Effects and Accumulation of Subconcussive Sports Head Impacts |
$125,000 |
*Ensuring Full Literacy in a Multicultural and Digital World |
$199,969 |
41 projects / projets |
$10,610,463 |
* Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with SSHRC Research Support
Financement de l’infrastructure liée au soutien à la recherche du CRSH
Investigating Electrokinetic Transport Phenomena at the Microscale using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy |
$93,136 |
Multiple Sensing Instruments - A Transformational Methodology to Assess Effectiveness of Oil Sands Wetland Reclamation |
$335,000 |
Integrated Microneedle and Microelectrode Arrays for Biomedical Applications |
$270,000 |
Acquisition of an X-ray Diffractometer for Structural Characterization of Electronic Materials for Energy Applications |
$363,454 |
Neuro-vascular Function in Health and Chronic Conditions |
$130,000 |
Sunlight Driven Reforming of Biomass for Sustainable Production of Hydrogen and Value-added Products |
$149,400 |
Structure-function Tissue Interactions in Arthritis |
$147,430 |
High-resolution Topographic Mapping of the Earth's Surface |
$240,000 |
8 projects / projets |
$1,728,420 |
Versatile Platform for Measuring Molecular Structure and Conformation of Linear and Branched Biopolymers |
$124,586 |
Integrated Soil Sensing and Mapping for Optimized Management of Land Resources |
$209,957 |
Graphite Furnace for Catalytic Pyrolysis of Biocarbon from Waste Biomass: Engineering Biographite for Biocomposite Uses |
$214,174 |
Microorganisms in a Changing Climate: Fate and Flux of Thawing Permafrost Carbon |
$90,000 |
Application of Metabolomics and Proteomics in Environmental Toxicology |
$102,000 |
5 projects / projets |
$740,717 |
Cryogenic Test Facility for the Development of New Instrument Concepts for Future Space Astronomy Missions |
$250,000 |
1 project / projet |
$250,000 |
Investigating Plant-associated Microbiomes |
$159,990 |
Biomaterials Discovery Platform |
$159,139 |
High-throughput Genotypic and Phenotypic Fungal Analysis Research Facility |
$239,631 |
Evolutionary Ecology of Prairie Pollinators |
$206,558 |
High-throughput Examination of Stress in Fish |
$150,250 |
Breaking the Link Between Environmental Exposures and Health: Lessons from Epigenetics |
$159,261 |
Infrastructure for Development of Advanced Condition Monitoring Techniques for Gears and Bearings |
$159,603 |
Enhancing Resilience Among Rural 2SLGBTQ Youth: Research at the Intersection of Gender |
$43,535 |
Deep Learning on Graph-structured Data for Predicting Protein-ligand Interactions |
$160,000 |
The Hearts and Minds Lab; Leveraging Translational Neuroscience to Support Intergenerational Well-being |
$240,000 |
Environmental Nano-geoscience Facility |
$238,498 |
An Integrative Approach to Understanding Shoulder Movement Across the Lifespan |
$156,891 |
Multi-modal Monitoring of Cerebral Autoregulation in Cranial Neurotrauma |
$155,600 |
An L-band Radar Remote Sensing System for Arctic Applications |
$160,000 |
Next-generation Intelligent Robotic Machining and Inspection Technology |
$227,007 |
Quantitative Electroanalytical Facility for the Investigation of Biological Systems |
$102,697 |
16 projects / projets |
$2,718,660 |
Thermomechanical Simulator for Alloy Design Research Activities |
$150,000 |
Marine and Coastal Organismal Responses to Environmental Change Laboratory |
$150,000 |
2 projects / projets |
$300,000 |
University of Northern British Columbia
Infrastructure for Research on Thermal Ecology in the Freshwater Fish Ecology Laboratory at UNBC |
$199,630 |
1 project / projet |
$199,630 |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Climatic Human Factors & Performance Laboratory |
$160,061 |
1 project / projet |
$160,061 |
University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa
Development and Application of Isotope Tracers for Geolocation and Surface Hydrology |
$331,360 |
Zebrafish as a Preclinical Platform for Modeling Childhood Cancers and Rare Genetic Disorders |
$464,952 |
Elucidating the Basis of Photosynthetic Adaptations to Extreme Conditions |
$202,060 |
Ottawa Pre-clinical PET/CT Imaging Core |
$784,439 |
Ecological Evolutionary Developmental Genetics: Flies and Ants as Model and Supermodel Organisms |
$187,437 |
AI-backed Internet of Vehicles Laboratory: An Open Access Innovation Facility |
$293,164 |
6 projects / projets |
$2,263,412 |
University of Prince Edward Island
Valourization of Waste Biomass to High Value Bioproducts |
$112,608 |
1 project / projet |
$112,608 |
Improving Cannabis-related Health and Safety |
$315,000 |
Cold Region Erosion and Flooding Research Laboratory |
$93,000 |
2 projects / projets |
$408,000 |
Development of Controlled Facilities for Insect Research |
$285,376 |
High-performance Computing for the Dynamic Simulation of Next-generation Quantum Materials |
$195,249 |
Biofabrication Lab for Tissue Engineering Innovation |
$147,000 |
Advancing Element Tracing Through Agroecosystems with Compound Specific Isotope Analysis |
$219,565 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Ultrasound Microbubbles for Detection and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Inflammation |
$79,749 |
A Multiplex High-content Analysis Platform for Drug Discovery and Toxin Screening |
$154,000 |
*Infrastructure for Carbon and Phosphorus Metabolite Characterization in Soil Remediation and Food Security |
$125,000 |
7 projects / projets |
$1,205,939 |
*Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with an NSERC Industrial Chair
Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire industrielle du CRSNG
Chemspeed Automated Chemical Synthesis System |
$480,000 |
DNA Nanotechnology for Spatially-programmed Immune Receptor Activation |
$100,000 |
Mass Transport In Earth’s Lithosphere, Revealed by In-situ LA-ICP-MS Micro-analyses |
$200,000 |
Infrastructure for Canadian National Caries Network |
$148,089 |
Advanced Scanning Electron Microscope for In Situ and Liquid-phase Electron Microscopy Study |
$200,000 |
Neural Circuit Changes in Decision-making Across the Lifespan - Relevance to Mental Health Disorders |
$180,000 |
Recovery and Recuperation: Mobilizing the Next Generation of GRASAC |
$76,40% |
Extracellular Vesicle and Patient Avatar Technology Cores for Translational and Clinical Research |
$449,355 |
Charting Diversity in Brain Maturation |
$161,556 |
Defining Cancer and Immune Landscapes in Multiple Myeloma using Single Cell Transcriptomics and Ultradeep DNA Sequencing |
$763,136 |
Sleep and Human Evolution Lab (SHEL): Testing Evolutionary Hypotheses in a Clinical, Controlled Space |
$151,714 |
Computer Systems Support for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence |
$120,000 |
Autonomous Mobile Manipulation in Human Environments: Learning Algorithms and Robot Systems |
$176,000 |
Autonomous Docking and Active Perception for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
$150,000 |
Next Generation Polymeric Microparticles for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis |
$175,722 |
Psychosis Research Lab: Assessment of Biological, Psychological, and Behavioural Factors Associated with Psychosis |
$133,500 |
Immersive Interaction and Morphological Control for Continuum Robot Systems |
$300,000 |
Linking Neural and Vascular Aging in the Brain: From Biophysics to Cognition |
$156,353 |
Detector Prototype Units for Long-lived Particle Searches |
$200,000 |
A Non Invasive Approach to Visualizing Tumour Growth in Vivo through Space and Time |
$469,907 |
Sensory-cognitive Listening Assessment to Transform Hearing Loss Outcomes |
$192,376 |
Readout The Answers |
$218,986 |
Robotics Infrastructure for Smart Manufacturing (RISM) |
$60%,474 |
In-depth 2D and Whole Tissue 3D Detection of Tissue Fibro-inflammation in Metabolic Diseases |
$757,242 |
Cardiac Regeneration and in vitro Disease Modeling |
$246,923 |
A Research Program to Study the Role of Fibroblasts in the Pathogenesis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis |
$300,000 |
A Shift in Paradigm: Novel Stratification System for Critical Illness |
$383,311 |
Tracking Down Neurodegeneration in the Human Brain: From Functional Systems to the Subcellular Level |
$383,550 |
Trustworthy Machine Learning |
$100,000 |
Microplastic Sources, Fate and Effects Research Laboratory |
$169,612 |
Advanced Imaging of Mouse Development: Early Adversity and Brain Health |
$435,895 |
Active Learning Research Labs |
$800,000 |
Mapping Genotypes to Phenotypes and Phenotypes to Fitness |
$320,000 |
33 projects / projets |
$9,539,830 |
Transforming Forest Modelling for Climate Change Adaptation |
$75,002 |
A Multimodal Exploration of Mitochondrial Function in Eukaryotic Microbes |
$290,000 |
Facility for Orthopaedic Technologies & Biomechanics Research |
$115,000 |
Low-temperature Thermochronology Laboratory for Tectonic and Landscape Evolution Research |
$160,000 |
4 projects / projets |
$640,002 |
Transmission Electron Microscope |
$800,000 |
Infrastructure for Large-scale Integration and Processing of Structured and Graph Data |
$85,000 |
Neural Substrates of Cognitive Influence over Sensory-motor Control: Implications for Learning and Stroke Rehabilitation |
$100,000 |
Security Evaluation and Synthesis for Smart Devices |
$88,492 |
Enabling Toughening and Damage Tolerance in Adhesive Bonding of Multi-material Lightweight Structures |
$100,000 |
Physics-based Visual Computing Infrastructure |
$84,000 |
A Dynamic Force and Motion Simulator for Characterizing Spine Biomechanics Under Complex Loading |
$160,000 |
Plant Phenomics: Understanding Trait Covariation Across Scales |
$160,000 |
Integrated Device-driven Approaches for Automated, Real-time Tracking |
$160,000 |
The StoryBoard Lab |
$101,368 |
Supporting Sustainable Aviation through Pilot Training and Visual Standard Innovations using a Flight Simulation Device |
$150,000 |
Analysis of PFAS by Combustion Ion Chromatography: Investigation of PFAS Occurrence, Fate, and Mitigation strategies |
$80,000 |
12 projects / projets |
$2,068,860 |
University of Western Ontario (The)
600 MHz NMR Spectrometer |
$732,466 |
Mobile LiDAR System for Geologic Applications |
$193,946 |
Mechanics of Active Fluids and Bacterial Physics Laboratory |
$204,282 |
Engineering Materials: Advancing in-Situ Electron Diffraction and Imaging Techniques (Engine-Tec) |
$249,135 |
Nanostructured Membrane Fabrication and Characterization Facility |
$200,000 |
Decision Making Laboratory |
$232,171 |
Characterising Sound and Vibration-based Communication Systems |
$219,491 |
In Vivo Neurochemistry Laboratory |
$219,218 |
Equipment for Advanced UAV-based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing |
$157,278 |
Infrastructure for the Characterization of Proteins and their Modifications in Health and Diseases |
$800,000 |
10 projects / projets |
$3,207,987 |
Attosecond Nanoscopy |
$77,760 |
Confocal Imaging Infrastructure for Cell Biology and Biochemistry |
$140,660 |
Real-time Traffic Monitoring System for Studying Traffic at Canada's Busiest Land Border Crossing |
$75,001 |
3 projects / projets |
$293,421 |
Water Quality Analysis Lab |
$100,000 |
Movement, Interaction, Resilience, Adaptation (MIRA): Integrated Laboratory for the Study of Human-environment Interacti |
$75,000 |
Indigenous Digital New Media Lab and Collaborative Space: Aabijijiwan |
$225,000 |
3 projects / projets |
$400,000 |
High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Direct Bio-analytical and Environmental Diagnostics |
$243,691 |
Macroanalysis/Big Data Machine Reading Tools and Microanalysis/Digital Text Analysis Tools for Open Access Research |
$74,950 |
Canada's Marine Life is in Hot Water: Laboratory for Investigating Heatwaves and Aquatic Animal Health |
$219,335 |
3 projects / projets |
$537,976 |
Haven: The Asylum Lab |
$68,427 |
Environmentally Controlled Growth System and Molecular Phenotyping Platform for Plant Immunity Research |
$71,976 |
From Dish to Fish: Supporting Farmed Fish Health in Canada |
$91,343 |
Individually Ventilated Caging Systems to Support Animal Research |
$199,000 |
4 projects / projets |
$430,746 |
Integrative Sociobiology and Pollinator Health: Wild Bee Ecology, Evolution and Genomics |
$100,000 |
Flux Measurements of Atmospheric Nitrous Acid (HONO) by Time-of-Flight Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (ToF-CIMS) |
$160,000 |
Infrastructure to Research and Engineer Specialized Metabolism in Plants |
$75,010 |
Hemispheric Encounters: Developing Transborder Research-creation Practices |
$103,050 |
CineMobilia |
$191,000 |
Wild Garden Media Centre for Interdisciplinary and Multimedia Research Support |
$100,000 |
6 projects / projets |
$729,060 |
As part of this announcement, an additional $22,375,229 was awarded under the Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF), a mechanism that assists institutions with the incremental operating and maintenance costs associated with the new infrastructure.