
Le gouvernement du Canada investit dans des outils de pointe pour les universités

Des projets d’infrastructure pour soutenir les chercheurs à toutes les étapes de leur carrière

JELF funding announcement / Annonce de financement du FLJE

EDMONTON (ALBERTA) — Les chercheurs de partout au pays ont besoin des meilleurs laboratoires et outils pour réaliser des découvertes qui contribueront à améliorer la santé des collectivités et à leur assurer un air pur, une eau propre, de nouvelles perspectives d’emploi et un avenir prospère. C’est pourquoi l’honorable Kirsty Duncan, ministre des Sciences et des Sports, a annoncé aujourd’hui un investissement de plus de 61 millions de dollars dans des laboratoires et de l’équipement de recherche de pointe par l’entremise du Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans de la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation (FCI). Cet investissement servira à financer 261 projets dans 40 universités partout au Canada.


Le Fonds permet à des scientifiques universitaires exceptionnels de mener une recherche de pointe en leur fournissant les outils et l’équipement dont ils ont besoin pour devenir des chefs de file dans leur domaine respectif. Les chercheurs de l’Université de l’Alberta recevront plus de 2,2 millions de dollars pour dix projets d’infrastructure de recherche qui garantiront, entre autres, la sécurité alimentaire, amélioreront les soins de fin de vie dispensés aux patients, réhabiliteront des sites d’exploitation minière et réduiront la pollution atmosphérique.


Cet investissement contribuera aussi à soutenir les travaux de Sandra Davidge, Ph. D., une pionnière de la santé cardiovasculaire chez les femmes et les enfants. Mme Davidge obtiendra du financement pour de l’équipement d’imagerie spécialisé qui lui permettra, ainsi qu’à son équipe, de mieux comprendre le lien entre un faible taux d’oxygène chez un enfant à naître et le risque de maladie cardiovasculaire plus tard dans la vie. Les recherches de l’équipe favoriseront la mise au point d’interventions précoces qui permettront à ces enfants à naître de devenir des adultes dotés d’une bonne santé cardiaque. Cet exemple, parmi tant d’autres, montre comment ces nouveaux investissements dans l’infrastructure de recherche se traduisent par des innovations qui ont des retombées sur la vie de tous les Canadiens. 



 « Les chercheurs au Canada savent que les outils et laboratoires de pointe sont nécessaires pour réaliser des découvertes et innover. Voilà pourquoi notre gouvernement annonce ce financement qui vise à répondre aux besoins en infrastructure des chercheurs canadiens. Leurs contributions novatrices à la science et à la recherche jouent un rôle déterminant dans les avancées qui permettront de concrétiser nos visions d’avenir pour le Canada. »

L’honorable Kirsty Duncan, ministre des Sciences et des Sports


« Les meilleurs chercheurs du Canada ont besoin d’une infrastructure de pointe pour relever les défis mondiaux. À la Fondation canadienne pour l’Innovation, nous sommes fiers d’investir dans leurs travaux et l’avenir de notre pays. »

Roseann O’Reilly Runte, présidente-directrice générale, Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation


« Pour mener à bien des initiatives de recherche novatrices qui amélioreront la vie des Canadiens, nos chercheurs ont besoin de ressources, d’installations et de technologies de pointe – je suis heureux de voir ce soutien indéfectible à l’égard du travail formidable réalisé à l’Université de l’Alberta et à la grandeur du pays. Je félicite tous les bénéficiaires du Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans et je remercie le gouvernement du Canada et la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation pour ces investissements essentiels. »

David Turpin, recteur et vice-chancelier, Université de l’Alberta


Faits en bref

  • Le budget de 2019 comprend un investissement historique de près de 10 milliards de dollars sur cinq ans dans la recherche et dans la prochaine génération de scientifiques. Il s’agit du plus important investissement au pays dans la recherche fondamentale.
  • Dans le budget de 2018, le gouvernement du Canada a accordé à la FCI la somme de 763 millions de dollars sur cinq ans et un financement permanent de 462 millions de dollars par année à compter de 2023. Ce financement stable dotera nos chercheurs et nos étudiants des outils de pointe nécessaires pour créer et innover.
  • Le financement total de plus de 61 millions de dollars inclut une somme de 47 096 019 $ pour les dépenses en capital destinées à l’infrastructure au titre du Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans de la FCI et une somme complémentaire de 14 128 806 $ au titre du Fonds d’exploitation des infrastructures de la FCI pour couvrir les coûts différentiels d’exploitation et de maintenance.


Liens rapides

Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation

Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans

Le Navigateur d'installations de recherche : un répertoire d’installations de recherche financées par des fonds publics qui veulent collaborer avec l’industrie, le milieu universitaire et le gouvernement  


Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation

Depuis plus de vingt ans, la FCI procure aux chercheurs les outils dont ils ont besoin pour voir grand et innover. Un système d’innovation robuste crée des emplois et des entreprises, améliore notre santé, assure un meilleur environnement et ultimement, favorise l’épanouissement des collectivités. Les investissements de la FCI dans les infrastructures de pointe des universités, des collèges, des hôpitaux de recherche et des établissements de recherche à but non lucratif du Canada permettent d’attirer et de retenir le meilleur talent au monde, de former la prochaine génération de chercheurs et de soutenir la recherche de calibre mondial qui renforce notre économie et qui améliore la qualité de vie de tous les Canadiens.


Produits connexes

Vous pouvez consulter la liste des projets financés et des récits sur les installations au Pour être au fait, suivez-nous sur @InnovationCA et abonnez-vous à notre canal YouTube pour visionner des vidéos sur la FCI et les nombreux projets de recherches transformateurs qu’elle finance.



Malorie Bertrand
Spécialiste des relations avec les médias et
des médias sociaux
Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation
Bureau : 613-943-2580
Cellulaire : 613-227-0198
malorie.bertrand [at] (malorie[dot]bertrand[at]innovation[dot]ca)

Relations avec les médias
Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada
Bureau : 343-291-1777
ic.mediarelations-mediasrelations.ic [at] (ic[dot]mediarelations-mediasrelations[dot]ic[at]canada[dot]ca)


Daniele Medlej
Attachée de presse
Bureau de la ministre des Sciences et des Sports
Bureau : 343-291-4204
daniele.medlej [at] (daniele[dot]medlej[at]canada[dot]ca)



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 - Alberta

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 - Colombie-Britannique

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 - Nouveau-Brunswick

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 - Nouvelle-Écosse

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 - Ontario

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 - Île-du-Prince-Édouard

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 - Québec

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 - Saskatchewan

Institution / Établissement

Projects Approved / Projets appuyés

Athabasca University


Brock University


Carleton University


Concordia University


Dalhousie University


École Polytechnique de Montréal


HEC Montréal


Lakehead University


Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne


McGill University


McMaster University


Queen’s University


Ryerson University


Simon Fraser University


St. Francis Xavier University


Trent University


Université de Montréal


Université de Sherbrooke


Université du Québec - Institut national de la recherche scientifique


Université du Québec à Montréal


Université du Québec à Rimouski


Université Laval


University of Alberta


University of British Columbia (The)


University of Calgary


University of Guelph


University of Lethbridge


University of New Brunswick


University of Ontario Institute of Technology


University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa


University of Prince Edward Island


University of Regina


University of Saskatchewan


University of Toronto


University of Victoria


University of Waterloo


University of Western Ontario (The)


University of Windsor


Wilfrid Laurier University


York University


Total Institutions / des établissements                    40







John R. Evans Leaders Fund / Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans


Project Title / Titre du projet

Maximum CFI Contribution /

Contribution maximale

de la FCI

Athabasca University

Magnetic Aurora Monitoring in AB/SK with Magnetotellurics in Athabasca


1 project / projet


Brock University

From the sea to the Museum and Beyond: Maritime Heritage at Marzamemi, Italy


Urgent Replacement of Critical Infrastructure: Console for 600MHz NMR Instrument


Scanning Electron Microscope for New Generation Applied Research


3 projects / projets


Carleton University

Influence of Coupled Physical and Biogeochemical Processes on Metal Transport in Groundwater


Development of the Centre for Health Behaviours and Well-being in Daily Life


2 projects / projets


Concordia University

AMPLab for Literary Sound Studies

100 000 $

Collaboratoire pour l’étude des jeux de Hasard et d’Argent Numériques ConnectÉs (CHANCE)

350 000 $

Microscopy Platform for Microfluidics Imaging and Screening of Single-cell Dynamics

100 000 $

*SDN/NFV Security: Compliance-driven Monitoring, Detection, and Mitigation

92 092 $

4 projets / projects

642 092 $

* Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire industrielle du CRSNG


Dalhousie University

Real-time Multi-Modal Neuroimaging for Improved Outcomes in Neurological Disorders


Laboratory for Advanced Energy Conversion and Electronic Materials


Synthetic Influenza Vaccine Infrastructure


Functional Characterization of RNA Granules in Cellular Stress Responses and Innate Immunity


Social Interaction and Youth Mental Health


Coastal Labrador Ocean Modelling and Observing System (CLOMOS)


Persuasive and Adaptive Systems Infrastructure


Mobile and Software-defined Network Infrastructure


8 projects / projets



École Polytechnique de Montréal

Physical Property Measurement System for Nanostructured and Quantum Semiconductors

250 000 $

Test and Characterization for 5G Wireless Devices

133 451 $

*Interdisciplinary Aerothermodynamic Analysis and Design Methods for Transport Aircraft

124 387 $

3 projets / projects

507 838 $

* Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire industrielle du CRSNG 

HEC Montréal

Tech3Lab 3.0 mobilité

196 779 $

1 projet / project

196 779 $


Lakehead University

Lakehead University Driving Simulator


1 project / projet



Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne

High Accuracy Gene Expression Quantification: Digital Droplet PCR


Neutron Detector Characterization Facility for Supernova Physics


2 projects / projets





McGill University

Synaptic Dysfunction in Genetic Models of ALS

120 000 $

Evolutionary Ecology of Species Distributions

140 000 $

Spoken Interaction Lab

40 000 $

Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Nanostructures and Devices

180 000 $

Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Environmental Sustainability Laboratory

140 000 $

Cryogenic Test Facility for Detector Technology Development for Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiments

251 120 $

Correlative 3D Nanoimaging and Molecular Mapping in Situ of Mineralized Tissues

388 102 $

Bioactive Glasses for the Regeneration of Hard and Soft Tissues

720 000 $

Optical Fiber Communications Systems for the Next Decade

797 750 $

Functional Genomics of HIV and M. Tuberculosis Infection

237 132 $

Research Laboratory for Smart Transportation

80 000 $

A Micro-ecosystem Array for Testing Ecological Impacts of Climate Change

175 200 $

12 projets / projects

3 269 304 $


McMaster University

Development of AML-Relapse Therapeutics (DART)


Mobile User Experience Lab


Lab to Assess Food Web Fate and Effects of Aquatic Contaminants


The Syntax Laboratory


High-throughput Whole Genome Sequencing for Improved Disease Risk Prediction


AI + Democracy Lab


6 projects / projets



Queen’s University

Uncovering the Function of Glycans: Examining Interactions with their Biological Binding Partners at the Cellular Level


Gas-Fluid-Mineral Interactions: Implications for Element Cycles and CO2 Storage


High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion Laboratory


Mechanisms Underlying the Optimization of Human Walking


Establishing the Snow and Ice Research Laboratory at Queen's University


Discovery and Development of Crystalline Radiation Detection Materials


Long Term Performance of Bituminous & Modern Geomembrane Liners with High Interface Shear Strength


Optical Metasurface for Optoelectronics and Renewable Energy Applications


Enhancing CAR Cell Immunotherapy of Brain Tumours with MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound


High-intensity and High-resolution X-ray Diffraction Laboratory


Seismic Behaviour of Retrofitted Continuous Concrete Slabs


Advances in the Search for Dark Matter with Bubble Chambers and Spherical Proportional Counters


Analysis of Infectious Diseases Systems with Long-lasting Transient Dynamics and Feedback Delays


Patient Specific Bone and Joint Health Technologies


Neurocomputational Approaches to Individual Differences in ‘Virtuous’ Decision-making


Social Neuroendocrinology Lab


16 projects / projets



Ryerson University

Industry 4.0 Smart Factory System


1 project / projet



Simon Fraser University

Laboratory for 2D Material Device Fabrication


SEM Suite for the Characterization of Earth Materials


Software-programmable Heterogeneous Accelerator-rich Datacenters


Characterization and Radioactive Cellular Biology Suites for Discovery of Novel Metallic Radiopharmaceuticals


Next-generation Computing Infrastructure for Data-intensive Systems and Applications


5 projects / projets



St. Francis Xavier University

Food Chemistry Research Platform for Investigating Aroma-active Compound Interactions in Plant-based Proteins


1 project / projet



Trent University

Laser Source for Label-free Nonlinear Biomaterial Imaging


Centre for Biomedical Research and Biosensing


2 projects / projets





Université de Montréal

An Integrated Multimodal Cerebral Neurovascular Imaging (IMCNI) Platform

100 000 $

How do Mycorrhizal Fungal Traits Influence Ecosystem Functioning?

114 772 $

Understanding the Pathophysiology of Sporadic Parkinson’s Disease using Direct Neural Reprogramming

121 535 $

The Biology and Clinical Applications of Cellular Senescence

40 000 $

Centre d’études sur le sexe/genre, l'allostasie, et la résilience (CESAR)

152 970 $

The Laboratory for Macroeconomic Policy

216 142 $

Mass Spectrometry Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy

200 000 $

Moving to Musical Beat

159 759 $

The Couple and Sexual Well-being Observational (CLOSE) Lab

198 411 $

Évaluation et maîtrise des expositions professionnelles aux particules nanométriques

144 980 $

Precision Medicine Research for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases

84 978 $

Infrastructure for Analysis of Bacterial Pathogen Interactions

145 315 $

Next Generation in-Vivo Imaging Platform for Post-Genome Animal Infectiology

279 770 $

Oculométrie pour étudier les jugements cliniques des professionnels de la santé

78 685 $

Molecular Design from Molecules to Systems and Back

80 137 $

Understanding Preimplantation Development with Single Cell Genomics

99 743 $

16 projets / projects

2 217 197 $


Université de Sherbrooke

Robot manipulateur mobile pour le développement d'une architecture de contrôle distribuée en interaction humain-robot

76 477 $

Agile and Dexterous Motion Control Robotic Laboratory

81 485 $

Infrastructure for Characterization of Ultrasound Probes

89 910 $

Virtual Substrate Engineering with Graphene for Disruptive Optoelectronics Devices

179 893 $

State-of the art Infrastructure for Improving Women’s Pelvic Health

199 779 $

5 projets / projects

627 544 $


Université du Québec - Institut national de la recherche scientifique

Advanced Facilities for Research and Training in Aquatic Microbial Ecology

154 565 $

Ville Intelligente et Piétonne (V.I.P)

62 321 $

2 projets / projects

216 886 $




Université du Québec à Montréal

Atelier de chronotopies urbaines: scènes et cultures populaires

151 245 $

Analytical Infrastructure on Metallomics for Biochemical Characterization of Subcellular Biomarkers of Metal Toxicity

104 000 $

Neuronal Plasticity in Adaptive and Pathological Behaviors

129 840 $

Microbial Ecology in the Terrestrial Subsurface

97 600 $

4 projets / projects

482 685 $


Université du Québec à Rimouski

Station de recherche montagnarde et alpine dans les massifs gaspésiens, haut lieu de la biogéographie nord-américaine

119 689 $

1 projet / project

119 689 $


Université Laval

Tumor Mechanobiology Research Platform

119 820 $

Smart Bioelectronic Microsystems Manufacturing and Multi-technology Integration Facility

100 000 $

Agroecology Laboratory: Advancing Plant Root Research and Elucidating Plant-soil Interactions in Agroecosystems

80 220 $

Consolidation des infrastructures de recherche du site NEIGE

39 188 $

Pulsed Electric Field System to Modify the Physico-chemical Properties and Bioactivities of Food Molecules

102 828 $

Mobility Sensing Lab: Intelligent Environments to Support the Mobility of Persons with Disabilities and Older Adults

73 940 $

Robust 3D Perception in Challenging Conditions

100 000 $

Tree Biology and Plant Functional Genomics Laboratory

80 469 $

Development of Sustainable Forest Bioenergy Systems

75 205 $

Targeting Metabolic Vulnerabilities for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer

119 998 $

Sex-specific Differences in Aortic Stenosis

75 981 $

Évaluation nutritionnelle et métabolique durant la grossesse : vers une meilleure santé des générations futures

83 302 $

Base de données appariées entre médecins et patients du Québec (BMPQ)

38 113 $

Development of Next-generation Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer Treatment

117 745 $

14 projets / projects

1 206 809 $




University of Alberta

Molecular Microbial Ecology of Food and its Impact on Food Safety and Quality


Building Molecular Biogeochemistry Capacity at the University of Alberta


Pregnancy Complications and Developmental Origins of Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Offspring


Scalable Data Analytics and Visualization Portal for the Canadian Long-term Care Sector


Femtosecond Resolution Testing Infrastructure


Infrastructure to Study Individual Cellular Responses as it Relates to Human Disease


Biophysical Equipment to Measure Complex Molecular Interactions in Solution


Integrated System to Characterize Soils, Tailings & Atmospheric Fluxes to Reclaim Disturbed Lands from Mining Operations


Infrastructures for Probing Interfacial Properties, Intermolecular and Surface Interaction Mechanisms


Laboratory for Atmospheric Multiphase Chemistry: Formation and Evolution of Pressing Air Pollutants


10 projects / projets



University of British Columbia (The)

Memory Deconstruction Facility


Harnessing High Value Chemicals from Plants in Plant Bioactive Compounds Research (BioCoRe) Laboratory


Infrastructure for Advanced Transient Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Photocatalysts


Global Metabolomics Laboratory at UBC


The CLean Energy hArvesting using Nanotechnology (CLEAN) Laboratory


The Genomic Basis of Sex Differences


Invertebrate Cryobiology and Ecophysiology Laboratory


Laboratory for MacroSystems Biology


Synapses, Circuits and Behaviour Phenotyping Platform: Targeting Pathogenic Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Disease


Fibrosis as a Progenitor Disease: Novel Therapeutic Opportunities


Prevention of Severe Bacterial Infections in Children by Optimizing Protection Through Vaccination


PRISM: Programmable Interface for Simulation/Statistical Models


Ultra-low Temperature Facility for Quantum Simulators and Quantum Computers in Silicon


Comparative and Functional Cardiac Imaging Laboratory


Profiling, Imaging, and Mechanistic (PRIME) Characterizations of Transcription Factors to Improve Seed Traits


Multicellular Cell Division Imaging and Manipulation Laboratory


Characterizing the Structure and Mechanism of Microbial Systems


Integrated Microbiota Analyses Platform (iMAP)


Extension of the Translational Integrative Physiology Labortaory


Microwave Circuits and Systems for Sensing and Characterization


Next Generation Biodiversity Monitoring


Laboratory Infrastructure: the Anxiety Stress and Autism Program (ASAP)


The Collaborative and Experimental Ethnography Lab (CE2 Lab)


High-throughput System for Single Neuron Mesoscale Functional Connectivity in Mouse Models of Human Disease in Vivo


The Molecular Path: Connecting Biologic Insights to Improve Cancer Outcomes


The Biomedical Microbiome Research Laboratory: Investigating the Interrelations of Gut Microbiome with Dyslipidemia


Emotional Autobiographical Memory in PTSD


Advanced Organic Characterization for Optimization of Drinking Water Treatment


Transcriptional Memory and Plasticity in Embryonic Stem Cells


Cardiac Arrhythmias: From Mechanism to Structure-based Diagnosis


*SSHRC Partnership Grant Scaling up Interventions with Women Affected by Violence


31 projects / projets


* Financement de l’infrastructure liée au soutien à la recherche du CRSH


University of Calgary

Heterogeneous Neuro-glial Communication in the Healthy and Inflamed Brain


Molecular Profiles of Brain Tumors at Single-cell Resolution


Mechanisms of Diabetes-related Cardiovascular Disease Throughout the Lifespan


Automation and Sequencing Infrastructure to Study the Genetic Basis of Health and Fitness Variation in Wild Animals


Catalysis Infrastructure for Sustainable Synthesis of High Value Fuels and Feedstock


Using Marine Heat Flow Measurements to Develop the First Hydrogeologic Model of a Submarine Strike-slip Fault System


Advanced Multi-modal Imaging to Understand Bone's Adaptation to Mechanical Load and Chronic Disease


Development of Novel and Sustainable Strategies for Securing Food Safety from Farm to Folk


Study and Discovery of Solid-state Platforms Suitable for Future Quantum Technologies


Disaster Management and Emergency Response with Intelligent, Autonomous Aerial Systems


The Space Weather Adaptive Network (SWAN): Enabling Space Weather Science with Targeted Sensor Fusion in Canada's North


High Throughput Analysis and Purification to Enable Molecular Advances in Medicines and Materials for Clean Energy


Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Processes for a Low-carbon Economy


13 projects / projets



University of Guelph

Laboratory to Study and Combat Antibiotic Resistant Pathogenic Bacteria


Chemical Mapping of Complex Soft Matter


Systems Biology of Host-pathogen Interactions


A Microbial Pheno-genomics Platform to Assess Microbiome Effects on Virulence of Salmonella


Quantitative Proteomics to Study Microbial Systems


Impact of Learning History on Individual Susceptibility to Developing an Addiction Phenotype


A Protein Engineering Laboratory to Probe and Rewire Cell Signaling


7 projects / projets



University of Lethbridge

State-of-the-art Vivarium of the New Science and Academic Building


1 project / projet



University of New Brunswick

Biochemical and Genetic Engineering of Novel Cannabinoids and Cannabis Germplasm


Innovative Cardiometabolic, Obesity, and Physical ACTivity Research – New Brunswick (IMPACT-NB)


2 projects / projets



University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Materials Characterization Centre


1 project / projet





University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa

Neuromuscular Genomics and Health Research


Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing


Verification and Validation of Autonomous Software Systems


The Canadian Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Ethical Design Lab


4 projects / projets



University of Prince Edward Island

Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Program in Dairy Farms in Canada


Synthesis of Peptide-polymer Hybrids for Drug Resistant Disorders


2 projects / projets



University of Regina

Regina Cube for Multiple Particles


Infrastructure for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health Research


2 projects / projets



University of Saskatchewan

Use of Biophysical Tools for the Development and Characterization of Novel Therapies for HIV-1


Driving Simulation Laboratory for Developing Driver Screening Tools and Rehabilitation Programs


Equipment to Inform Low Temperature Damage Models for Tissue Cryopreservation


Cold Regions Exposure and Risk Assessment Modelling Laboratory (CERAS)


Pulsed Laser Facility for Studying Single Event Effects in Integrated Circuits


Confocal Microscopy Platform for Live Imaging of Mobile Nutrient-stress Signaling Agents in Plants


Multi-spectral Remote-sensing Payload and GPS Collars to Automate Wildlife Surveying for Conservation and Food Security


*Mine Waste Sample Preparation and Analysis Suite


8 projects / projets


* Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire industrielle du CRSNG



University of Toronto

Exploration of Pathophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Diabetes and it’s Related Complications


Harnessing Regulatory Immune Cells to Promote Transplantation Tolerance


Investigation of Organelle Dynamics and Remodeling Using Lattice Light-sheet Microscopy


Developing New Interventions for Breast and Lung Cancer


Infrastructure for Advanced Microfluidic Nanobiosensing


A Functional Approach to Stigmatization, Motivation, and Social Judgment


Moral Psychology and Global Affairs


Study of Disease-causing Mutations in NMDA Receptor Genes


It’s All About Time: Optimising Infrastructure for Functional Brain Imaging in Children


Automated Apparatus for PET Radiopharmaceuticals to Image the Living Human Brain


High-throughput Facility for Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Materials for Large-scale Energy Storage


Optimizing Motor Learning Through Music-based Behavioural Interventions


Regulation of Whole-body Metabolism by Nuclear Hormone Receptors


Expanding Cell Capabilities to Sense their Environment for Therapeutic Applications


Automation and Intelligent Design of Nanostructured Materials


DNA Damage and Cellular Physiology: Rewiring for a Cure


Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope to Probe Molecular Networks of Cell and Tissue Morphogenesis


Slide Scanner System to Study and Develop Novel Diagnostic Tools for Oral Fibrosis and Cancer


Multimaterial Characterization System for Developing and Testing Micro-/Nano-layered Composites and Foams


Multi-modal Functional Brain Technology


Live-cell Imaging of Inter-chromosomal Contacts by Confocal Super-resolution Microscopy


Facility for Advanced Non-destructive Testing / Imaging Instrumentation Development


Platform for Antibiotic Discovery and Investigation


MAXimIzing MILk In A Changing Food eNvironment (MAXIMILIAN)


Design Observation Studio


Generation of Stem Cell-derived Pacemaker Cells for Biological Pacemaker Applications


The Origins of Social Learning and Behavior


Infrastructure for Image-guided Magnetic Micromanipulation of Cells and Tissues


Exercise Oncology and Cognition Lab (EOCL)


Measurements of Atmospheric Gases Using a Deployable Infrared Interferometer


Extrinsic Control of Neural Precursor Cells: Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Development and Repair


*MFARR-Asia Computer-assisted Survey Interview and Participatory Video Production Lab


32 projects / projets


* Financement de l’infrastructure liée au soutien à la recherche du CRSH


University of Victoria

High-throughput Synthetic Organic Chemistry: Hands-on Generation of Experimental Big Data to Improve Human Health


1 project / projet



University of Waterloo

Ancient and Contemporary Environmental Bioindicators Laboratory (ACEBioLab)


Integrative Physiology Laboratory to Study Sex-differences During Exercise


Scalable Systems Software for Next Generation Architectures


Control and Protection of Next-generation Power Electronically Enabled Hybrid AC-DC Power Systems


Intelligent Connectivity Lab: Software-hardware Systems for the Internet of Things


Microalgae Biomanufacturing Laboratory


Electrical Drive and Detection System


Neuromechanics-based Assistive Robotics: Towards Optimal Personalized Robotic Assistance


Understanding Weld Cracking using in-Situ Thermography and Simulation


CogSim: An Interaction-aware Tri-simulator Facility for Research on Driver Behaviors and Cognitive Autonomous Driving


Infrastructure for Research on Social and Intelligent Robotics


GIS-based Virtual and Augmented Reality Tools


High Resolution NMR Facility for Structure Eluicidation


Advanced Microbicide Research and Analysis Facility (AMRAF)


Infrastructure for Research on Next Generation Wireless Networks


The Virtual Physiological Human Project


A Therapeutic Device for Otitis Media


Scanning Electron Microscope


Rational Design of Multiphase and Multifunctional Renewable – Resourced Polymers


Engaging Technology and People to Achieve Advanced Building Performance


Haptic Computing Lab


Taking Superconducting Electronics to the Next Level of Integration


Resource Management in Heterogeneous Clusters: Maximizing Efficiency and Guaranteeing Security, Privacy, and Fairness


23 projects / projets



University of Western Ontario (The)

Characterizing a Neural Basis for Crossmodal Plasticity Following Sensory Loss


A Computational Platform for the Discovery of Predictive Brain Dynamics


An Integrated Platform for Pre-Clinical Testing of Melanoma Treatments


Multiphase Processes for Sustainable Energy and Chemicals


Joint Motion Simulation Using Hybrid Experimental-Computational Techniques


Social Observation Laboratory


6 projects / projets



University of Windsor

Establishing High Resolution Facility for Micro-component Dynamic Vibration Analysis


Facility for Research on Sustainable Energy and Battery Management Systems


FISHSPACE: Novel Cost of Life Metrics of Fish for Improved Understanding of Spatial Management


State-of-the-art Research Facility for Earthquake-resilient Infrastructure


4 projects / projets



Wilfrid Laurier University

Creating a Living Lab for the Optimization of Green Building Performance


Craft of Intelligence Analysis Lab (CIAL)


2 projects / projets





York University

Investigating the Role of Intracellular Calcium Dynamics on Skeletal Muscle Function in Aged Muscle


Characterization and Targeted Reversal of Synaptic Mechanisms Contributing to Autism Spectrum Disorder


2 projects / projets




Cette annonce comprend l’attribution d’une somme additionnelle de 14 128 806 dollars du Fonds d’exploitation des infrastructures. Les établissements utilisent ces montants pour assumer une partie des coûts d’exploitation et de maintenance de la nouvelle infrastructure.