Research stories

Our investments support research that benefits Canadians

In CFI-funded labs and facilities across the country, researchers in all stages of their careers are making discoveries, supporting a robust innovation ecosystem and helping solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. 

A drawing of an eagle representing First Nations, a narwhal representing Inuit, and a violin representing Métis. These illustrations are placed around the sun and surrounded by multicoloured smoke that represents Indigenous traditions, spirituality, inclusion and diversity.

Raising up Indigenous voices in research

For this National Indigenous History Month, discover research projects that are led by Indigenous researchers and which address the priorities of their communities

All stories

Can a bicycle be a tool for creating gender equality?
Researchers at York University use visual and digital media to explore the connection between physical activity and unequal power relations.
British Columbia
Life on the edge
An experiential research project at Simon Fraser University explores the psychology behind our perceptions of poverty
Power, policies and sustainability in the global food system
Today’s industrial approach to agriculture leaves the world dangerously dependent on a few crops and a few companies. Jennifer Clapp wants to change that.
Climate resilient crops that can do more with less
How researchers are tackling the roots of food insecurity — in a very literal way
Blueprints for boosting plant immunity
How sophisticated genomics could help address food insecurity by giving crops an edge in the arms race against pathogens
Northwest Territories
Can wind power the North?
Researchers at Aurora College’s Research Institute are using portable LiDAR scanners to help find the answer
Summoning the storm, at the Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment Research Facility
By simulating intense winds and weather, a research facility at Western University tests how buildings will hold up under catastrophic conditions
Mounting an early warning system for Canada’s looming water crisis, through the Global Water Futures Observatories
A network of observation systems across the country’s freshwater basins provides urgently needed data to help ward off the devastating impacts of floods, droughts and other water crises plaguing Canada
Alberta,Quebec,Ontario,British Columbia
Tweaking biology for health and biotech solutions, at GlycoNet Integrated Services
A pan-Canadian network of over 170 researchers brings together the country’s expertise in the field of glycomics to create solutions in medicine and other bio-based industries