
Our president’s published commentary

Browse articles written by our president originally published online and in print newspapers and publications

Let’s not fear the unknown
When it comes to unfamiliar areas of research, such as artificial intelligence, focus on the ultimate rewards.
A vital resource for navigating the modern world of research and innovation
Ancient explorers crossed the seas, using the stars to navigate, making their way through lands unknown to them, guided solely by the planets above.…
The unifying force of research
Flying across the prairies, only recently enveloped in a mantle of white, soon to be shared across our country, my breath was taken by a veil of…
How can we continue to transform Canadian research? Look to the new generation
Earlier this fall, during one of the worst hurricane seasons on record, a group of graduate students was testing the resilience of roofs in full-…
Superclusters: A win-win game for Canada’s economy
As baseball season enters its seventh-inning stretch, it is prime time for us to take some lessons from the game of summer. We all know that teams…
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Meet Roseann O’Reilly Runte

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